About us - Puławski Ośrodek Kultury "Dom Chemika"

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About us

The idea of creating a large cultural center in Puławy came up in the 60s of the twentieth century in Zakłady Azotowe "Pulawy". The construction lasted over 16 years. Ultimately, however, it was never its cultural center. After transferring it to the of authority of the city in 1984, it became an urban center, preserving in the name the memory of its builders.

PCC "Dom Chemika" is a local cultural institution. That's the main, and at the same time the largest cultural center in Pulawy and its region. It offers various ways of spending free time. There are such amateur artistic movements as: Song and Dance Ensemble "Powiśle", ballet "Etiuda", Dance Studio "Pokus", Puławy’s Amateur Theatre, Puppet Theater "Muchomor", youth theater SPUT2, senior vocal ensemble Puławianki ". Under the guidance of experienced and qualified instructors, singers and recites develop their skills here. There are also such circles and clubs as: Folk Artists Club, Senior Club, University of the Third Age, Club ONA Puławy, Department of Fine Arts Education.

Our centre organizes various events, concerts, theater and cabaret performances, film screenings, outdoor events. Systematic exhibition activity is managed by Puławy’s Exhibition Art Gallery. The center has also the Department of HistoricalDocumentation of the City and a Tourist Information Centre.

The most famous evens, carried out by PCC "Dom Chemika", are: National Puławy’s Puppeteers Meetings, the International Jazz Workshop, National Competition for Polish dances "O Pierścień Księżnej Izabelli" (The ring of Princess Izabella). Here also take place: Pulavian Blues Festival, Blues Summer Workshop, Student Film Etudes - Confrontations, Urban Amateur Scene 'O Puchar Prezydenta Miasta " (Mayor’s Cup), the Festival of Carols, Review of Poetry, Prose, Music and Songs of Independence" Żeby Polska była Polską " (Let Poland be Polish) Puławy’s Oratory Tournament, Recitation, Song, Music and National Dances “Witaj Majowa Jutrzenko” (Welcome to the May Dawn), Film and Art Festival “Dwa Brzegi”(Two Shores).

PCC "Dom Chemika" is located in the city center, near the bus station and the City Hall. In addition we also rent rooms and outdoor scenes to outside contractors.
© 2012 Puławski Ośrodek Kultury Dom Chemika