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Festivals, competitions, surveys


International Jazz Workshop "Pulawy 2013"

The 43th Jazz Workshop will take place on 11-21 July 2013 in POK „Dom Chemika”, Puławy, Poland.

The workshop is organized by the Polish Jazz Society (PSJ), Jazz Jamboree Foundation, together with the Puławy Culture Center „Dom Chemika” and with the cooperation of the Jazz Department of the Katowice Music Academy.

Pedagogical Staff:
  • Piano: Wojciech Niedziela, Kuba Stankiewicz
  • Double bass, bass guitar: Jacek Niedziela-Meira, Kamil Erdem (Turkey)
  • Guitar: Artur Lesicki, Konrad Zemler
  • Trumpet: Piotr Szmidt
  • Trombone: Dante Luciani (USA)
  • Saxophone, clarinet, flute: Peter Brewer (USA)
  • Drums and Percussion: Zbigniew Lewandowski
  • Vocals: Sibel Köse (Turkey), Janusz Szrom,
  • Speech Level Singing Techniques: Marek Stawiński
  • Big Band: Dante Luciani (USA)
  • Jazz history: Jacek Niedziela-Meira
  • Jazz theory: Janusz Szprot

Accompanying sections for vocalists:
Wojciech Majewski /p/, Wojciech Pulcyn /b/ i Kazimierz Jonkisz /dr/
Bogdan Hołownia /p/, Mariusz Bogdanowicz /b/, i Sebastian Frankiewicz /dr/.
Visiting Professors: to be announced

Artistic head and program coordinator: Janusz Szprot
Organizational director: Krzysztof Sadowski (President of the Polish Jazz Society)

Note: The recruitment of the instructors is not yet finished. The staff list may also be updated and changed slightly depending on the amount of participants in this year’s workshop.

Didactic Program:
  • jazz improvisation theory,
  • jazz arranging and composing
  • jazz history,
  • instrumental classes,
  • vocal classes,
  • instrumental and vocal ensembles (including combos and big band)

The participants will have access to a PA system and a library of about 10000 jazz pieces and songs, as well as many other miscellaneous jazz aids.
All of the participants will be provided with the book „Materiały do ćwiczeń improwizacji jazzowej”, along with an accompanying CD, prepared by Prof. Janusz Szprot.
English version of this book will be available for international students.

Daily Schedule:
  • 9:00 - 10:00 Breakfast
  • 10:00 - 11:15 Jazz Theory
  • 11:30 - 13:30 Master Classes
  • 14:00 - 15:00 Lunch
  • 16:00 - 19:00 Master classes, combo and big band rehearsals
  • 19:00 - 20:00 Dinner
  • 20:00 - 21:30 History of jazz styles
  • 22:00 - 03:00 Faculty Concerts and Jam Sessions

The evening’s jam sessions take place under the artistic supervision of the faculty staff that usually start every session and then allow for every participant of the workshop to join in. The jamming of the teachers and students together is not only a great way to sum up a day’s work at the workshop but also is often a memorable artistic event.
Another important part of the workshop are the open concerts featuring members of the staff, as well as invited guests and participants of the workshop. These concerts are always very popular events.

It is useful to remember that the Puławy Jazz Workshop is a direct continuation of the Chodzież Jazz Workshop initiated by the Polish Jazz Society in 1970. It is therefore the oldest, most influential and popular such event in Poland. The legend of this workshop spans 43 years and has always featured a very high artistic level, as well as the stellar passion and enthusiasm of the participants. Great new talents constantly emerge and this year’s workshop will continue this tradition.

Polish Jazz Society tries to keep the cost of participation at the workshop as low as possible, so that musically gifted students can take part regardless of their funds. This year, payment for the international students is: 350 EURO – including tuition, room and food + reimbursement of local travel costs.
Total fees must be paid by the start of the Workshop. Registration will begin at NOON Thursday, July 11th and continue until 5:00 pm. Polish Jazz Society will also offer exceptional participants of local and international festivals scholarships in the form of participating in the workshop free of charge.

More information you can find on the following addresses:

Puławski Ośrodek Kultury „Dom Chemika”,
24-100 Puławy ul. Wojska Polskiego 4
tel.: +48 81 8879601; +48 81 8864861
e-mail: domchemika@domchemika.pl

The deadline for sending an application form is: June 30th, 2013

Download files:

application form
application form

International Jazz Workshop "Pulawy 2012" / Międzynarodowe Warsztaty Jazzowe "Puławy 2012"

The 42nd Jazz Workshop will take place on 5 – 15, July 2009 in PCC "Dom Chemika", Puławy, Poland.

The workshop is organized by the Polish Jazz Society (PSJ), Jazz Jamboree Foundation with cooperation of the Puławy Culture Center "Dom Chemika".

Pedagogical Staff:
  • Jazz theory: Janusz Szprot (Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey)
  • Piano: Wojciech Niedziela (Academy of Music in Katowice, Poland), Kuba Stankiewicz (Academy of Music in Zielona Gora, Poland)
  • Double bass: Zbigniew Wrombel (Academy of Music in Poznan, Poland)
  • Bass guitar: Kamil Erdem (Yildiz Technical University, Stambul, Turkey)
  • Guitar: Artur Lesicki (Wroclaw Jazz School, Poland), Konrad Zemler (Academy of Music in Poznan, Poland)
  • Trumpet: Piotr Schmidt (Academy of Music in Katowice, Poland)
  • Saxophone/flute: dr Peter Brewer (Doctor of Musical Arts, Miami University, USA)
  • Drums and Percussion: Zbigniew Lewandowski (Wroclaw Jazz School, Poland)
  • Big Band: Dante Luciani (Miami University, USA)
  • Vocals: Sibel Kose (Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey), dr Janusz Szrom (Jazz Dept. Chopin School of Music, Warsaw, Poland)
  • Vocal techniques Natural Voice Perfection (NVP): Marek Stawiński
  • Jazz history: Janusz Szprot (Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey)
  • Accompanying sections for vocalists:
      • Wojciech Majewski /p/, Wojciech Pulcyn /b/, Kazimierz Jonkisz /dr/
      • Bogdan Hołownia /p/, dr Mariusz Bogdanowicz /b/, Sebastian Frankiewicz /dr/
  • Artistic head and program coordinator: Janusz Szprot
  • Organizational director: Krzysztof Sadowski (President of the Polish Jazz Society)


Didactic Program:
— theory of improvisation
— arranging and composing
— history of jazz styles
— instrumental classes
— vocal classes
— instrumental and vocal ensembles (including small groups and big band)

The participants will have access to a library of about 10000 jazz pieces and songs, as well as many other miscellaneous jazz aids.

All of the participants will be provided with the book "Materiały do ćwiczeń improwizacji jazzowej", along with an accompanying CD, prepared by Janusz Szprot. The English equivalent of this book will be available for the foreign participants.

The language of instruction is Polish, but there will be an interpreter serving the needs of the foreign participants.

Daily Schedule:
• 08:00 - 09:30 Breakfast
• 10:00 - 11:00 Jazz Theory
• 11:00 - 14:30 Master Classes
• 15:00 - 16:00 Lunch
• 16:00 - 19:00 Master classes and ensembles rehearsals
• 19:30 - 20:30 Dinner
• 20:30 - 21:30 History of jazz styles
• 21:30 - 03:00 Faculty Concerts and Jam Sessions

The evening’s jam sessions take place under the artistic supervision of the faculty staff that usually start every session and then allow for every participant of the workshop to join in. The jamming of the teachers and students together is not only a great way to sum up a day’s work at the workshop but also is often a memorable artistic event.

Another part of the workshop is the open concerts featuring members of the staff, as well as invited guests and participants of the workshop. These concerts are always very popular events.

It is useful to remember that the Puławy Jazz Workshop is a direct continuation of the Chodzież Jazz Workshop initiated by the Polish Jazz Society in 1970. It is therefore the oldest, most influential and popular such event in Poland. The legend of this workshop spans over 40 years and has always featured a very high artistic level, as well as the stellar passion and enthusiasm of the participants. Great new talents constantly emerge and this year’s workshop will continue this tradition.

Polish Jazz Society tries to keep the cost of participation at the workshop as low as possible, so that musically gifted students can take part regardless of their funds.

Tootal fees must be paid by the start of the Workshop.

Registration will begin at NOON Thursday, July 5th and continue until 5:00 pm.

Polish Jazz Society will also offer exceptional participants of local and internationals festivals scholarship in the form of participating in the workshop free of charge.

Deadline for application: 30 June 2012.

Go to: www.pok.cad.pl/aktual > Międzynarodowe Warsztaty Jazzowe 2012 > Formularz Zgłoszeniowy / Questionaire

Or by writing to the address:

Puławski Ośrodek Kultury "Dom Chemika", ul. Wojska Polskiego 4, 24 -100 Puławy, Poland
E-mail: sekretariat@domchemika.pl
Tel: +48 81 887 96 01
Tel. +48 81 886 48 61

For information regarding the program you may contact:

Janusz Szprot
Tel.: +90 535 310 84 39
e-mail: jszprot@gmail.com



  • dormitory - Wojska Polskiego 7 Street,
  • dormitory - Czartoryskich 6 Street.


For those participants, who have accommodation at dormitory in the Czartoryskich Street we secure drive by JAZZ-BUS at 11 p.m. (after finishing concert in the auditorium) and at midnight. JAZZ-BUS will be substituted in the main parking at PCC "Dom Chemika" for 10 minutes before each course. In the later hours the workshop participants are returning on their own.


Breakfast in the accomodation, lunch and dinner at dormitory in the Wojska Polskiego Street.

Download files:

© 2012 Puławski Ośrodek Kultury Dom Chemika